English Dictionary

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 heavens heavens /ˈhɛvənz/


  1. () [Informal] Exclamations often denoting astonishment or unexpected discovery.  ( marry [Archaic] , od [Archaic] , holy crap [Vulgar] , Holy-dooly [Informal, Australian] , holy shit [Vulgar] , Christ [Informal] , Christmas [Informal] , fancy [Informal, British] , god , goodness [Informal] , gracious [Informal] , heavens [Informal] , Jesus [Informal] , Lord [Informal] , O , oh , ah , bejeezus [Informal, N. American] , bejesus [Informal, N. American] , blimey [Informal, British] , blooming heck [Informal, British] , blow me [Informal, British] , by George [Informal] , by Jove [Informal] , cor [Informal, British] , cor blimey [Informal, British] , crikey [Informal, British] , cripes [Informal] , crumbs [Informal, British] , fancy that [Informal] , gawd [Informal] , geez [Informal] , golly [Informal] , good grief [Informal] , good heavens [Informal] , goodness me [Informal] , gorblimey [Informal, British] , Gordon Bennett [Informal] , gosh [Informal] , gracious me [Informal] , heck [Informal] , holy cow [Informal] , holy mackerel [Informal] , holy moley [Informal] , holy moly [Informal] , holy smoke [Informal] , I'll be blowed [Informal, British] , jeepers [Informal] , jeepers creepers [Informal] , jeez [Informal] , Lordy [Informal] , my [Informal] , my goodness [Informal] , my word , oh boy [Informal] , strewth [Informal, British] , struth [Informal, British] , well I never [Informal] , yikes [Informal] )
    Exclamations often denoting astonishment or unexpected discovery.


  1. () The apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected  ( celestial sphere , empyrean , firmament , sphere , vault of heaven , welkin , heavens )
    the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
     On a clear night, one can gaze at the heavens and see countless stars.
    On a clear night, one can gaze at the heavens and see countless stars.

 heaven heaven /ˈhɛvən/


  1. () Any place of complete bliss and delight and peace  ( Eden , nirvana , promised land , Shangri-la , heaven , paradise )
    any place of complete bliss and delight and peace


  1. The abode of God and the angels  ( Heaven )
    the abode of God and the angels
     Many people believe that Heaven is where virtuous souls go after death.
    Many people believe that Heaven is where virtuous souls go after death.